"Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”

–Napoleon Hill

Posts Tagged “online marketing”

In part 1 of this article we talked about the following SEO facts:

  • The fact that the World Wide Web of search engine optimization (SEO) is in a growth spurt.
  • How you as a business owner in Northwest Arkansas and beyond, who rely on search engine results, need to know what’s going on – how to protect yourself and your interests and how to take advantage the changes.
  • The fact that most specialist would agree that primarily search engines look for good content, the way the site is structured and link popularity.
  • That search engines are changing the way they spider and index websites to help them serve better results to their search audience.

In addition to all the above covered in Part 1…

Here’s what else we believe:
search=engineGoogle and many other top search engines will give higher priority to websites and their pages that Web surfers have more interest and interaction with. For the most part, the way a web surfer’s relevance for a website is measured will be completely transparent. We believe that this recent request by Google to their publishers may have something to do with these upcoming changes in search engine ranking.

If it all happens the way we and other specialist see it, we will start to see an entirely different set of patterns emerge.  This alone will affect all business related websites across the World Wide Web. It is thought that as these changes take place many websites showing up in the top 10 results will no longer be there!

Guess what? New sites or old sites making changes, practicing some good tactics and then getting rated using the latest algorithms will take their place!

Here’s what I’ve noticed lately when I’m logged into my Google account and tell me if a light bulb goes off when you hear this.

Google currently asks Web surfers that are logged in to move their search results around, based on the your own idea of how important each one is! If you like a certain page in the search results, you can move it higher on the list so that anytime you search for the same “keyword” or “phrase” you will be presented with your own personalized set of results.

What’s that tell you and what does that mean as far as how you operate your own website?

Well to me it means that I should be using a form of web platform that easily allows my customers to do pretty much the same thing when visiting our site…do you see?

In summary, these are the main things that we think will make a difference in the way results are ranked in the future.  The web users will have more influence and by all means…they should.

In closing, here’s some additional ways that we believe the search engines will be considering your online presence:

The first thing and one of the most important things that you want to consider and may be able to learn to handle yourself is the Content.  One thing will always hold true: CONTENT IS KING.

This has always been true and will continue to be so.  It alone will boost your SEO efforts more than anything else.

If you have good Web content, visitors will find it, read it, bookmark it, comment on it, and maybe even talk about it to their friends, neighbors and even other websites.

Informative articles are key…people appreciate high-quality content and search engines will take notice of these actions.

You’ll spark the attention of major search engines by the way comments are allowed through these articles.

Through social media like Del.icios, Google reader, Propeller and others? (An area that is exploding right now and one we will be covering in future essays a whole lot more!

Through videos. Videos on your website can help your SEO now but in our opinion only if a search engine can actually read the contents of a video.

What I mean by that is I think along with using relative tags you should also explain any and all videos by way of content in, on and about the video.

You see, you might have to give more serious thought about the videos on your site than you have in the past if you want the fact that they are on your site to have a positive effect and get the acknowledgment and gratitude of the prospect and the search engines.

Some other areas that we’ve noted and that other SEO analysts are listing as getting even more attention by the search engines are as follows:

* How often have your listing been voted to the top of the results?
* What other similar searches have those same users performed in the past?
* Have any of your page been bookmarked (voted for) on a major social   networking site (i.e., Del.icios, Google reader, Propeller and others?
* Are any other sites talking about your site?
* If your Web pages include video, how long do people watch it?
* How often do website visitors return to your page(s) – site?
* Are you allowing comments on your pages? Is there an easy way for visitors to do so?

As you can see, there are somethings that will guarantee good karma with the search engines and the “New” Ranking Rules!

It’s true that the new search engine ranking methods will bring a lot of changes to the world of search engine optimization. No need to worry though!

We have your back covered in several ways.

So, if you want to make sure you’re on the cutting edge when it comes to keeping your websites in check…

…If you’ve often wondered how you can get within the good graces of Google and all the other top search engines…

…or if you own a business and you’re considering the addition of a new website, you want to be certain that you put it together correctly, supply it with the right form of SEO and insure that it always has quality content that will be sure to please not only your audience but also the search engines…

…we have a couple suggestions for you.

If you have an existing website that just needs some T.L.C., needs to be brought up to date, refreshed and renewed, you might want to take us up on our SEO Quick Start Package.

If you’re unhappy with your current website or frustrated with your online efforts and would like professional guidance from A to Z, we highly suggest and recommend that you consider joining Blogging Beginners.

Blogging Beginners

Why Blogging Beginners you might be saying? Out of all the years I’ve been online and out of all the gurus and website building programs I’ve seen, paid for and been a part of…I can absolutely guarantee you won’t find a better deal for the price!

You won’t find this level of expertise, knowledge and one on one help anywhere. You’ll be guided along by two of the best online marketers on the planet. Highly ranked experts I might add and in addition, you’ll be surrounded by some of the kindest most helpful members who have been involved with Blogging Beginners from the start.

Because of the help and support you’ll receive from the member base alone it makes this low cost membership an even better value!

But don’t take my word for it though, go here and read what others are saying and get the full scope on this great and highly recommended online membership.

Step by Step Instructions for a profitable blog …Click here!

In conclusion, I’d like to say that of course we can only speculate to a point on what the search engines are cooking up. It’s up to us as SEO Consultants to make an educated guess as to what the future of SEO holds, and try to keep on top of the latest changes.

Getting your site listed in the search engines’ top results has always and will always be the goal for many, you already know that.

And the higher up in the results you rank, the better chance you have of capturing your prospective customer’s attention. But remember that besides just being at or near the top in search engine ranking results…

…your end desire needs to be focused on what you can do for the visitor to turn him or her in to a new customer whom eventually places an order with your business.

question-markHow will you insure that your site is ready for new Search Engine Rankings?

Thank you for reading and please…if you found this essay to be informative and you feel that it was beneficial to read, please consider clicking on the “bookmark & share” button below.


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If you already have a website for your business in Northwest Arkansas or beyond, you may already be implementing natural search engine optimization for your products or services.

“The fact that you have a website online counts toward part of this natural optimization in ways you just might not have thought of.”

It’s also known as passive marketing.

So you see, having a live website is half the battle and could mean there is the potential for local and of course distant Internet users to access your website through passive marketing.

In this and other related articles, we will examine some subtle ways business owners may be marketing their own business on the Internet naturally, the steps to improving these efforts and many more ways to do it.

First let it officially be  known as passive marketing and be aware that it might be happening naturally!

It’s been found to happen on a small scale since you have a site and it and it’s pages are indexed but if the SEO of your website has never been set up correctly or your online marketing has never been approach or actively promoted correctly…

…you’re probably not benefiting from it to its true potential!

Naturally you may find by doing your own key research or paying for some SEO Services, that your website can generate more  interest in your products or services.

So you may be asking…

“what are some subtle ways business owners can market their own business on the Internet naturally and how may I be already doing this on a small scale?”

Click Here to Continue reading…

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